An Area may be part of a state or province, or all of it, or may include parts of more than one state or province, depending on the size and needs of the A.A. population. In any case, the area holds an important middle position in the Conference structure—through the elected delegate, it participates in A.A. worldwide, while through the D.C.M. and G.S.R.s, it is close to the local scene.

© Excerpt from  The A.A. Service Manuel, p.S36, 2009-2010 Edition
Reprinted with permission of  A.A. World Services, Inc.

Geographic Area

Area 83 Eastern Ontario International spans Eastern Ontario and Northern New York from Oakville to Cornwall and from North-Eastern New York State all the way to Pembroke.


Area Officers


The delegate has a demanding job, not only because a large amount of time and work are involved, but because it is the delegate's responsibility to serve the US/Canada Conference as a whole. As voting members of the Conference, delegates bring to its deliberations the experiences and viewpoints of their own areas. Yet they are not representatives of their areas in the usual political sense; after hearing all points of view and becoming fully informed during Conference discussion, they vote in the best interests of A.A. as a whole.

Alternate Delegate

The Conference recommends that all areas elect alternate delegates. The alternate serves as a valuable assistant, often traveling with the delegate or giving reports for him or her. In some areas, the alternate serves some special function of the committee. Many area committee treasuries recognize the need to support the alternate's expenses separately from the delegate's. An alternate who replaces the delegate at the annual Conference meeting will remain on the G.S.O. mailing list as the delegate until G.S.O. is informed otherwise by the area committee.


DUTIES: The treasurer keeps financial records for the area and reports regularly to the assembly. In most cases, the treasurer is responsible for encouraging contribution support for area and G.S.O. services.

QUALIFICATIONS: The treasurer should be a responsible person with a solid period of sobriety. He or she should be organized enough to keep good records, and some accounting or bookkeeping experience is useful. Otherwise, the person elected may need help in setting up a system, and possibly some clerical assistance. Persuasiveness, firmness, and diplomacy will help the treasurer do the job. If the committee includes a finance chairperson, the treasurer is free for record keeping and financial controls.


DUTIES: The secretary records and distributes minutes of area meetings; keeps mailing lists up to date and sends out area mailings; sometimes the secretary is responsible for preparing lively bulletins that will encourage attendance at committee meetings and assemblies. The secretary is in a good position to act as liaison between officers and committee members.

QUALIFICATIONS: The secretary should have a "reasonable period of sobriety", which might mean two years in an area where A.A. is still young, four or five years in an older area. Some service in group or central office or general service is useful. So is some background in general office work. More and more, computer knowledge is helpful. An effective secretary needs to have a sense of order, and the ability to capture the essentials of what is happening at a meeting. The job is time-consuming and needs to be carried out on schedule, and the secretary needs to be sure that ample time is available.


In some areas, registrars now develop and maintain records of all groups in the area, including group name, meeting location, time, and G.S.R. or group contact. Registrars may also be responsible for names, addresses and phone numbers of the G.S.R.s, D.C.M.s, district and area officers and area committee members. He or she may provide mailing labels for area publications such as a monthly newsletter or a mailing of minutes. For this job, an organized approach as well as computer literacy can be helpful.


DUTIES: The chairperson is responsible for the smooth running of area assemblies, consulting with the committee before setting the date and time, making sure that all groups are notified, consulting with officers and committee members on the program, and chairing the assembly meetings. The chairperson, more than any other officer, keeps the delegate informed about what is going on in the area, and makes sure that committee members are aware of what goes on in world services.

QUALIFICATIONS: The chairperson should have a solid period of sobriety (minimum three to five years), and experience in group, central office, institutional, and/or area affairs. Area chairpersons need a sound understanding and appreciation of the Steps, the Traditions, and the Concepts, along with a good fund of experience gained through applying these guiding principles successfully to local problems. Communication skills, leadership qualities, and sensitivity to the wishes of the local area are also important.