The District Committee Member (D.C.M.) is an essential link between the group G.S.R. and the Area Delegate to the General Service Conference.

The heart of A.A. is the group, which elects a General Service Representative. (G.S.R.)  The G.S.R. attends District meetings that are made up of the groups in that District.  The G.S.R's elect a District Committee Member. (D.C.M.)  Thus the D.C.M. is the vital link between the groups and the Area service structure, including the area's delegate to the General Service Conference.    

The DCM provides leadership and information to the G.S.R.'s and group conscience of the groups within their District.  As a member of the Area Committee, he or she is able to pass on the District’s thinking to the Delegate and the Committee.

The A.A. Service Manual, p. S31

 As a DCM, you may help the Area serve your District by:

Checking the website for District events; Advising the Webmaster of any upcoming Area and District events and updating service committee information.

When submitting information, please sanitize flyers and other information – no last names, phone numbers or photos.