About Alcoholics Anonymous Area 83

The service organization for the 28 service districts of A.A. in Eastern Ontario.

The Area 83 Assembly reports directly to and serves all A.A. groups within Eastern Ontario and, the 24 districts, performing the services they require. The Assembly also elects a Delegate to the General Services Conference of Alcoholics Anonymous. As our Preamble says, our primary purpose is to stay sober and to help other alcoholics achieve sobriety. To that end, we offer this web site containing information about Alcoholics Anonymous, area meetings and activities, and ways to contact AA in Eastern Ontario.

I am responsible… when anyone, anywhere reaches out for help, I want the hand of AA always to be there, and for that… I am Responsible.

About This Website

General Information on A.A.

Portions of this site are dedicated to educating the public on Alcoholics Anonymous. This information is both for people who may have a drinking problem and for those in contact with people who have, or are suspected of having, a problem. Most of the information presented on this site is available in more detail in literature published by A.A. World Services, Inc. (A.A.W.S.).  Additionally, you will find links to multiple resources on A.A.W.S. published on this website.

Info on A.A. for Professionals

Alcoholics Anonymous is continually looking to educate, and communicate with, professionals who come in contact with alcoholics in need of recovery. Information can be found on this website for Judicial, Health Care, Military, or other Professionals. We offer ways for the professionals to contact us, request a presentation or inquire about A.A. literature. This website is a solid resource for the helping professional looking for information about A.A.

Resource for Current A.A. Members

We provide information for current A.A. members who are looking for the following:

Service Website for Eastern Ontario

Area 83

From our public website you can login to our service site which holds all the business information relating to Area 83 and the 25 districts that comprise Area 83. This includes:

Please contact your DCM or complete this form to gain access.

A.A. Meetings in Eastern Ontario

Learn more about types of AA meetings: Open Meetings | Closed Meetings

Exploring Service

How and Where?

There are many ways to serve in Alcoholics Anonymous at the group, district and area level. Area and district committees are always looking for A.A. members to serve on their committees. Ask your home group about open service opportunities at the group level. Learn more…


We have collected stories form A.A. members who share their experience in being involved in service and how it enriched their sobriety. Read Stories…