Can’t stop drinking?

If you can't stop drinking, you repeatedly drink more than you intend or want to, you get into trouble, or you have memory lapses when you drink, you may be an alcoholic.

Only you can decide. No one in A.A. will tell you whether or not you are an alcoholic.

Can't stop drinking? There is a solution. Alcoholics Anonymous in New Mexico.

I can't stop drinking. Is A.A. for me?

If you can't stop drinking, A.A. might be a good fit. Only you can decide whether you want to give A.A. a try — whether you think it can help you.

We who are in A.A. came because we finally gave up trying to control our drinking. Most of us still hated to admit that we could never drink safely. Then we heard from other A.A. members that we were sick. We thought so for years! We discovered that many people suffered from the same feelings of guilt and loneliness and hopelessness that we did. The feelings we experienced were because we had the disease of alcoholism.

What is A.A.?

Alcoholics Anonymous® is a fellowship of people who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism.

  • The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for A.A. membership; we are self-supporting through our own contributions.
  • A.A. is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization or institution; does not wish to engage in any controversy; neither endorses nor opposes any causes.
  • Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety.

Copyright © by AA Grapevine, Inc.; reprinted with permission.

How Can I Contact A.A.?

Call an A.A. Hotline Near You.  If you can’t stop drinking, or have a problem with alcohol, you can contact A.A. in Eastern Ontario by calling one of our hotlines. An A.A. member will be on the other end of the phone to talk with you. If you do not see your specific city, please call the hotline nearest to you.


Contact a Central Office.

Greater Toronto Intergroup
Phone: (416) 487-5591
Toll Free: 1 (877) 404-5591

Ottawa Intergroup
Phone: (613) 237-6000

Lakeshore Intergroup
Phone: (905) 728-1020

Peterborough Intergroup
Phone: (705) 754-6111



Attend an A.A. Meeting. Eastern Ontario has hundreds of meetings each week. Some are online and some are in person. Each meeting is different.  We suggest attending a variety of meetings while you are trying to decide if A.A. is for you.

A.A. Events in Eastern Ontario

Read More About A.A.

At some point, many of us have uttered the words “I can’t stop drinking!” Each person’s story is different but we have come to learn that we share a common problem and have found a common solution in Alcoholics Anonymous.

Frequently Asked Questions

Several million people have probably heard or read about Alcoholics Anonymous since its beginnings in 1935. Some are relatively familiar with the program of recovery from alcoholism that has helped more than 2,000,000 problem drinkers. Others have only a vague impression that A.A. is some sort of organization that somehow helps drunks stop drinking.

Reprinted from (FAQ About A.A., page 4), with permission of A.A. World Services, Inc.

A.A. for the Older Alcoholic

It is never too late. The men and women of A.A., of all ages, have accepted their alcoholism as the disease that it is, and, in doing so, have made themselves accessible to help, recovery, and the restoration of their lives. The way we help each other is by sharing our experience, strength and hope and by following a suggested program of recovery.

Far from feeling that their lives are over, the men and women who have come to A.A. in their later years often express the opposite sentiment — that it is time to start living.

Reprinted from (A.A. for the Older Alcoholic – It’s Never Too Late, page 6), with permission of A.A. World Services, Inc.

Too Young?

No one is too young to have trouble with alcohol. Alcoholism is an illness that affects people of all ages, the rich, the poor, men and women. It doesn’t matter how long, or how much you drink. When your life seems to be going nowhere, or it feels out of control and you think drinking might have something to do with it, it usually does.

Reprinted from (Too Young?, page 2), with permission of A.A. World Services, Inc.

What A.A. Does Not Do

A.A. does not:

  • Furnish initial motivation for alcoholics to recover
  • Solicit members
  • Engage in or sponsor research
  • Keep attendance records or case histories
  • Join “councils” or social agencies (although A.A. members, groups and service offices frequently cooperate with them)
  • Follow up or try to control its members
  • Make medical or psychological diagnoses or prognoses
  • Provide detox, rehabilitation or nursing services, hospitalization, drugs, or any medical or psychiatric treatment
  • Offer religious services or host/sponsor retreats
  • Engage in education about alcohol
  • Provide housing, food, clothing, jobs, money, or any other welfare or social services
  • Provide domestic or vocational counseling
  • Accept any money for its services, or any contributions from non-A.A. sources
  • Provide letters of reference to parole boards, lawyers, court officials, social agencies, employers, etc.

Reprinted from (A.A. at a glance, page 2), with permission of A.A. World Services, IncS

A.A. Meetings

Eastern Ontario has hundreds of meetings each week. Some are online and some are in person. Each meeting is different. Every meeting you attend will have people who uttered those words: “I can’t stop drinking.”  We suggest attending a variety of meetings while you are trying to decide if A.A. is for you.

Learn more about types of AA meetings: Open Meetings | Closed Meetings