Area 83 Assemblies

Area 83 Assemblies At-a-Glance

Area 83 holds 2 Assemblies each year in Kingston, Ontario.

Pre-Conference Agenda Sharing
& Assembly

The Area 83 pre-conference assembly is held the Saturday of our Spring Assembly. In addition to conducting area business, this assembly is for our delegate to better understand how our area as a whole feels about items that will be discussed by the General Service Conference.

Service Information Days

Typically held virtually in February and on the Saturday at the Fall Assembly. These service days are a great way to learn about the different aspects of General Service.

Fall Assembly

Typically held on the last full weekend of October, where regular assembly business is conducted. In even years, this is the final assembly for the current rotation.

For more details on Area 83 Assemblies, please login to the Service Site.

What is An Area Assembly?

The areas hold an important position in the U.S./Canada General Service Conference structure. The areas are directly connected to the A.A. groups and their members through DCMs and GSRs. At the same time, they participate in the decision-making of A.A. through area delegates.

At the heart of each area is the assembly meeting, where the democratic voice of our Fellowship expresses itself. While each area has the autonomy to conduct its meetings according to its  conscience, Concept XII offers the General Warranties of the Conference as the guiding principles to remain democratic in thought and action.

Reprinted from (A.A. Service Manual, page 18), with permission of A.A. World Services, Inc.

The Annual Conference Program

Every A.A. member has a voice in the Fellowship’s present and future — and A.A.’s welfare is central to the agenda of every General Service Conference. As stated in Concept I, “The A.A. groups today hold ultimate responsibility and final authority for our world services — those special elements of over-all service activity which make it possible for our Society to function as a whole.” Thus, one of the most
important items for an assembly program (or a district meeting) is a good look at the agenda of every General Service Conference. Assemblies and district meetings provide an ideal time to find out problems and solutions that are shared by A.A. groups everywhere.

The area assembly is a vital part of the communication process from the group to the Conference. Many Conference agenda items follow a path from the A.A. group through the GSR and on through the district and area. And after the Conference, area assemblies and district meetings are occasions for hearing full reports on what took place at the Conference, asking questions of the delegate, and deciding what may need attention at future Conferences.

Reprinted from (A.A. Service Manual, page 21), with permission of A.A. World Services, Inc.