Exploring A.A. Service

Where Can I Serve?

Service opportunities abound in Alcoholics Anonymous.You can serve in the general service structure at the group, district or area level. There are also opportunities to serve on special event committees or at the local intergroup/central office. 

Group Level

If you are new in sobriety the best way to begin serving is in your home group. Many groups need help making coffee, setting up/taking down chairs for the meeting, greeting people as they walk in the door, etc.  Each group also elects a General Service Representative (G.S.R.). Through your G.S.R., your group’s voice will be heard at district meetings, at area assemblies, and eventually at the General Service Conference.

District Level

The Area Assembly recognizes that its own well-being depends to a large extent upon the strength of the individual District Committees.

It is suggested that each District in Area 83 have a District Committee whose members normally include:

  1. The DCM and one or more Alternate DCMs
  2. The elected GSR from each Group in the District
  3. Subcommittee Chairpersons responsible for various Services
  4. Others as determined by the District

Visit your district business meeting to discover what service opportunities are open. You can also explore district service opportunities on each district page in the Service Site.

Area Level

Like the district, the area has succommittees. These subcommittees help to keep A.A. functioning in the area of Eastern Ontario International.

Service Stories

We all had to start somewhere in service. Read how A.A. members in Area 83 got involved in service.

Intergroup/Central Offices

Although not part of the General Service structure, local intergroups/ central offices play a vital role in supporting the groups and in carrying the message to the local community.  Like all A.A. entities, they depend on A.A. member volunteers to function. Eastern Ontario has four Intergroup Offices: Toronto Intergoup, Ottawa Intergroup, Lakeshore Intergroup and Peterborough Intergroup.

Get Involved in A.A. Service

Area and district committees are always looking for A.A. members to serve on their committees. Ask your home group about open service opportunities at the group level. Contact your D.C.M. to learn about service opportunities in your district or click the button below to get involved in an Area 46 committee.

Area 83 Service Site

Already serving? The Area 83 service site holds all business information relating to Area 83. This includes agendas, minutes and motions from area assemblies; district updates; Area 83 officer reports; updates from area committee chairs and updates and resources for district committee chairs.

Please contact your DCM, GSR or complete this form to gain access.

Pages Related to the Area 83 Service Structure